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100% Skincare

100% Skincare

20 January 2023

There's a new buzz in the world of skincare for 2023... and it's all about the concept of 100% Skincare. I'm all in, let me tell you more.

The skin is the largest organ of our body; it keeps bad stuff out (pollution, irritants, harmful organisms) and it keeps good stuff in (moisture, vital organs). So we could think about skin as a two-sided organ, as BOTH sides of it are essential to us staying alive and healthy. 

If that makes sense, then surely when we think about skincare, it makes sense to also think about both sides. If you only ever put lotions and serums on the OUTSIDE of your skin, you're only really doing 50% of the job. We are now understanding so much more about the vital role of vitamins and supplements, to feed the skin from within.

Did you know, your body makes 200 MILLION skin cells every hour? and they're not 'made' from the creams we apply. In fact, what you ate for lunch yesterday will be in the outer layers of your skin in about a week's time. So if you routinely have a lunch 'on the go' that's perhaps not as nutritionally balanced as it could be, your skin may be suffering too. Poor nutrition absolutely leads to all kinds of visible skin conditions; dullness, dryness, irritation, breakouts, wrinkles and sagging... sadly, the list goes on!

Now let's RESET. Imagine that yesterday morning, you started the day with your selection of vitamins that are specially designed to feed and nourish the skin. For example, a healthy fat skin omega packed with long-chain fatty acids and vitamin A for healthy skin, a multivitamin with 35 micro-nutrients to keep body, mind and skin well fed, and a gut biome for a happy, healthy gut. Now that less-than-perfect fast lunch doesn't matter so much as you've already taken care of yourself. Obviously a fermented salad packed with protein and seeds would be better, but hey!

So 100% skincare really means FULL COVERAGE. Ingestible beauty means you can feed your skin from within whilst you follow your perfect Environ routine topically. Together, it means all skin components can be reached; epidermis, dermis, hypodermis, blood vessels and sebum. And that surely is the holy grail of beautiful skin in 2023. Pop in for a nutrition consultation if you'd like to find out more.

Harriet's Routine: Skin Ultimate box which contains 5 tablets per day: Vit D+Vit A, Omegas, Antioxidants, Biotin and Q10. PLUS Skin Youth Biome for a happy gut.

Book a beauty appointment now at one of our gorgeous salons

Green 01784 432855

Water 01344 842643

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