The salons have now re-opened, as of 12th APRIL 2021

We are so happy to be back and Online bookings are now open. You can visit us with peace of mind that we have diligently and carefully followed our Covid-Secure Plan. Got any feedback for us? We'd love to hear from you.

Harriet x
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about me

If you’re considering permanent make up, it can feel a little scary or daunting. Perhaps you would love to ditch the pencilling in every day, or you might just want to ‘wake up in your makeup’. It’s really important to take your time to decide exactly what kind of make up you want, and find the right artist for you.

As a brow specialist for over a decade, my permanent make up journey began with Microblading – a manual form of tattooing eyebrows, using a hand-held tool. And as trends evolved, I also added machine-based methods for Permanent Brows (sometimes called NanoBlading), Ombre and Powder Brows, Lip Blush and Lash Enhancement.

I’m here to help and guide you through your journey, and whatever you’re considering, the first step is always a consultation. So once you’ve have a read and watched the video, pop your details in the consultation box and let’s meet!

I hope to say hello soon.

Harriet x


A huge eyebrow trend right now, Microblading is a method of gentle tattooing used to create super realistic hair stroke brows. I use a disposable hand-tool with super fine needles to implant pigment into the upper dermis layer of the skin. The results are so natural and fine, and the look we are aiming for is the effect of real hair… and many of my clients love this technique because it looks ultra-realistic.
Best for: if you’re looking for a realistic real-hair brow look

£350 book online
micro blading

Permanent Brows & Nanoblading

Using a digital permanent make up machine gives longer-lasting results than Microblading, and still allows me to create realistic hair strokes for natural brow enhancement, often called Nanoblading. But machine method also allows for greater flexibility, so it’s a great choice if you’re looking for combination brow treatments like Ombre Brows, Powder Brows or Combination. If you’ve previously had Microblading but found it didn’t last very well, you may be more suited to Permanent Brows, and it’s great for Oily skins and older clients too.
Best for: longer lasting results, creative brow designs such as Ombre or Powder Brows

from £350 / £375 book online
Permanent Brows & Nanoblading

Lip Blush

The latest trend, and fast overtaking fillers as the lip treatment of choice, Lip Blush creates the illusion of natural volume and fullness to your lips. I use specialist pigments and a digital tattoo machine to gently implant pigment into the lips, to create a natural, long-lasting layer of colour. Lip Blush treatments can be anything from a very subtle wash of colour to enhance your natural look, to a full liner and lipstick look. The pigment can initially look quite strong immediately after treatment, but will heal to a soft finish. It’s suitable for clients of all ages, to add definition to your lip line or give a fresh and youthful pop of colour throughout the whole lip volume. Smudge-proof every day

£300 book online
Lip Blush

Invisible Eyeliner

Also known as Lash Enhancement, this is a permanent make up trend that adds a subtle liner though the base of your lashes, to define and enhance your eyes. It gives the illusion of thicker, fuller lashes, without the need for daily make up. You can have top and bottom lashes treated, and pigments range from full-on black to subtle browns or greys to complement your eye colour. You might imagine it’s painful, but Eyeliner is actually one of the least painful treatments, and makes a huge impact!

£250 upper & lower | £200 upper or lower book online
Invisible Eyeliner

book a consultation with H

Let’s talk! Pop your details in the box and I’ll get in touch with you to arrange your consultation – by Video or in person, whichever fits in with your diary. I look forward to meeting you soon.

You probably have lots of questions

if you’re ready to book a consultation in with me, just fill out the box on this page and I’ll get in touch. But to help, I thought I’d cover a few of the most common questions that come up during my consultations – and a few tips for how to get the most out of your permanent make up.

Does it hurt?

It is probably the one thing you don’t need to worry about! I will use a gentle numbing cream to reduce the sensation on your skin, so you’ll feel relaxed and pain-free – some clients even fall asleep during their treatment! And because we are not working as deep in the skin as a traditional tattoo, most people only feel a light pressure. Only towards the very end of the procedure, when the anaesthetic has started to wear off, will you begin to feel slight discomfort – but it’s completely manageable and nowhere near as ‘bad’ as you imagine!

How long does permanent make up last?

A hard question to answer because it depends on so many factors, but on average, brows and lips are designed to last 1-3 years – lash enhancements can last a little longer due to the thinner skin texture here. The main factors in determining face are:

  1. The colour you choose; lighter colours fade faster as there is less in the skin to begin with
  2. Your skin type; oilier skin types tend to lose pigment more quickly than dryer skin
  3. Your lifestyle, sunbathing, anti-ageing creams or use of AHAs, diet and even medication
  4. Your preference; some clients love that freshly topped up look and come to see me for retouches often – others might prefer the way brows or lips look when they’re a bit faded. Everyone’s different!

What’s the recovery period like?

People always worry what they’ll look like when you leave the salon – but straight afterwards you’ll be fine! The first week or two are the most important for recovery. Sometime from about day 3, little scabs or crusts will form over the treated area – and because they combine excess pigment, plus some lymph/blood, they can appear up to 50% darker at this stage. You might be feeling some discomfort, especially with Lips (you’ve got a lot of nerve endings there!), and possibly swelling and itching – all this is normal. Once the scabs come off, you will think that all the colour has disappeared… it gets pushed down into the skin whilst your body repairs the very top layer. Around 6 weeks after your initial treatment, you’ll come back in to see me for your 6 week retouch (included in the price you pay). At this appointment, we’ll go through the heal; checking the colour, the shape, any gaps where some areas may have healed better than others, and top up as much as required. Then your treatment is complete!

What happens if I don’t like it or it’s too dark?

Honestly, there are few good ways to remove permanent make up from the skin, which is why it’s so important to get that right first time. My appointments are 3 hours long – not because the actual treatment takes that long, but so we have lots of time to select exactly the right pigment for you, and draw on the design before we start – so you know exactly what shape I’m tattooing, and with what colour. I never rush this step!

When can I start?

Normally by the time we’ve done a consultation, you’ll be keen to book in…so some tips on timing your appointment just right:

  1. For lips, you need to prepare your lips for at least 1 week, and 2 if you suffer from dry lips, with a really good balm… lips in great condition heal beautifully!
  2. For brows, make sure you get your tint and shape done a week before your appointment
  3. And for lash enhancement, you won’t be able to wear mascara for 2 weeks following your appointment, so I’d suggest you book in a lashlift the week before!
  4. All appointments will have some healing time, and I’ll guide you through the process

Pre-Treatment Advice

Permanent make up treatments normally require multiple sessions. You will come in for your initial appointment, then return for at least one retouch procedure, around 6 weeks afterwards. Be prepared for the rollercoaster of healing too! Straight after treatment, colours can look much darker – up to 50% darker than they will heal – but this will gradually soften as it heals.

Most people are suitable for permanent make up, but the following conditions do prevent treatment:
Pregnancy and breastfeeding * Epilepsy * Haemophilia or blood-diseases of all kinds * History of or current sufferer of Keloid scarring * Blood thinning medication * Lupus or immune disorders of all kinds * Skin cancer or lesions, warts or moles in the treatment area * contagious diseases and/or bacterial infections * use of Antabuse or Roaccutane * severe allergy sufferer.

Certain conditions will require a doctor’s consent to treat, e.g. if you are undergoing Cancer treatment or suffer from a chronic illness. Please don’t stop taking any prescribed medication before agreeing this with your doctor.

How to get the best out of your Treatment – all areas

  • Avoid alcohol 24 hrs before your treatment, avoid taking aspirin, ibuprofen or coumadin for 2 days prior, and remember to perform your patch test if not done in clinic
  • If you have sensitive skin, you may take a plain paracetamol 30mins before your appointment time
  • Don’t book in any social events or engagements on the evening of your treatment as you may be feeling a little sore and red – plus this is the highest risk time for infection, so best to have a night on the sofa!

Dos and Don’ts – Brows

  • Have your usual tint and shape done around 7-10 days before your appointment (ideally with me!) so we can choose colours as you like to be. The permanent make up won’t change the colour of your existing brow hairs, so if you normally colour them, you’ll still need to do this ongoing.
  • Avoid using anti-ageing products and toners containing AHA/BHAs around the brow area.
  • Afterwards, you’ll need to keep the brows dry for 7 days.. so wash your hair on the morning of your appointment and invest in some dry shampoo

Do’s and Don’ts – Lips

  • Any history at all of cold sores will make it very likely that you may have an outbreak following treatment. Cold sores are very common after any lip blush, therefore please contact your pharmacist of doctor to obtain a prescription for prevention. I recommend Aciclovir tablets, which can also be purchased online for convenience.
  • For 2 weeks prior to your appointment, regularly moisturise the liips by using a high quality nourishing lip balm. You must not bite, pick or pull lips – any evidence of chapped lips may prevent your treatment from being done, as pigment does not implant well into damaged lip tissue. Moisturising after treatment is also critical – I will give you a special balm to help lock in the moisture and reduce the flakiness.
  • Remember to have any lip threading or waxing done at least 2 weeks before your treatment, and leave at least 2 weeks afterwards.

Do’s and Don’ts – Lash Enhancement

  • Because you won’t be able to wear mascara for 2 weeks following treatment, I recommend you come in for either a lash tint, or a lash lift treatment – which will allow you to enjoy beautiful lashes whilst your liner heals. If you’d like this done please mention it during your consultation, as we’ll also need a patch test to go ahead.
  • If you’re a contact lens wearer, I will need you to remove these for the duration of your treatment – and keep them out for 24 hours following the procedure. Your eyes may be watery and sore for a while afterwards, which is a normal outcome and nothing to worry about.
  • If you wear eyelash extensions, these will need to be removed, at least 1 week prior to treatment.
  • The use of lash growth serums makes eyelid skin more sensitive, and can affect pigment retention, so you’ll need to stop using it 3 months before your appointment, and bear in mind that if you start using it again, the pigment implanted may not last as long, due to the increased cell turnover caused by the serum.
  • It is possible some eyelashes may be lost as a result of this procedure, but it’s temporary and all will grow back as normal during the healing process.
  • If you have very watery or sensitive eyes, it might be a good idea not to drive home yourself after your treatment – grab a taxi or call a friend!

The Healing Process

Ah it would be great if what you see in the mirror simply stayed like that… but your full healing process will take around 12 weeks. Here’s what to expect:

  1. Day 1 = OMG I love it! Looks amazing, fresh and crisp and sharp
  2. Around day 3 = hmm, it looks so dark, I’m not sure I like it.. have I made a mistake?
  3. Around day 5 = scabbing, oh my goodness my brows/lips look awful and they’re flaking off
  4. During week 2 = hold up, where has all the colour gone? It looks like they’re patchy and faded…
  5. From week 3 onwards = ah, now I see some colour starting to come back, they’re looking better again
  6. Week 6 = top up time, yay! (then a mini version of what happened in the past 6 weeks and you’re done!)
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