Best Laser Hair Removal Machine
09 March 2022
Could this be the finest laser hair removal system in the world?
If you've ever thought about getting laser hair removal, you've probably looked around at a few different clinics and salons to see what's available on the market right now. and possibly you've felt a bit bewildered by the choice! it's not long ago that laser was one of the most expensive treatments you could buy... so how and why has the market changed, and what should you look for?
In the old world of laser, there were different wavelength machines for different hair colours and types. Each had their pros and cons. So if you had darker skin, you'd often be looking for an Nd:YAG Laser, but fairer skin often did better with a Ruby Laser, or even old-fashioned IPL, Intense Pulsed Light treatments. The process of you having to check with each clinic exactly which machine they had, and who it was best suited for was a real headache... then you had to factor in the hugely varying prices, how much it hurt and how reputable the salons were. Sadly we know of clients who've been misled or mis-sold, or had really painful results, leaving them pretty miserable and nervous about laser.
Luckily, with the incredible pace of technology, there is now a machine that offers you the very best results, whether you're light or dark skinned, from blonde to black hair. And we are super proud to be partners with the SMART Diode Laser, which you can find in both our salon locations.
why is SMART Diode so good?
We've worked with and trialled dozens of machines over a decade of offering hair removal treatments, and we knew straight away that this was the very best for us and for you. Firstly, it's 66% more powerful than the popular Soprano Ice Laser range. More power = fewer treatments needed, saving you time and money.
It really is virtually pain-free - and some clients even enjoy their treatments since all you feel is a gentle warmth. The 'slide and glide' method of treatment means we can treat even large areas super fast, so you don't have to write off half your day to get your whole body done. Plus, unlike pre-set machines such as the Soprano Ice, with our SMART Diode, the settings are completely customisable so we can tailor each treatment to exactly what you need. Last few stubborn hairs? no problem, we'll just turn up the power!
We were also super impressed with the triple wavelength technology. The SMART Diode has 3 output wavelengths - including the Nd:YAG 1064nm wavelength - which means we truly can offer fabulous results to all skin types, all year round.
Why do wavelengths matter?
We know that how 'deep' hair sits in the skin varies a lot over even one person's body, and varies person to person too. The hair growing on your legs tends to be less deep than, say, bikini or underarm areas, where the hair tends to be thicker and stronger and deeply rooted in the skin. This fact creates a dilemma for choosing which wavelength of laser is the right one - because in truth you need to target lots of different depths in the skin if you're to treat all skin types and body areas. The SMART Diode solves this problem because it contains 3 different wavelengths:
- Alexandrite at 755nm; shallow target, ideal for lighter, finer hairs that you might find on the face
- Diode at 808nm; the gold standard, high power laser, perfect for deeper rooted hairs on legs and arms
- YAG 1064nm; gets deeper into the skin to target bikini and underarms, and makes it brilliantly effective for darker skin types where we know hairs tend to be deeper rooted
What about those videos I've seen of hairs popping out?
Don't be fooled into thinking the hairs that pop out are gone for good. As well as being much higher risk for thermal injuries and reactions, high-powered lasers that make the hair pop out actually create a longer treatment interval, since it takes longer for all the hairs in that area to regrow. Though effective, in reality you'll often have a much longer treatment course than our Smart Diode, which allows for progressive reduction and you'll be done much sooner!
How hair-free is it possible to get with Laser?
The SMART Diode machine offers 80% hair reduction after 6 treatments. This is a massive improvement and for many clients, that's enough to take away the hassle of managing unwanted hair. However, most of our clients end up having 8 to 9 treatments to get super smooth!
In summary...
You won't find this combination of technological tricks in most clinics. At over £25,000, our machines are a serious investment at the top of the range, so we can be sure we offer nothing but the best to our clients. We are passionate about getting you results - and to make your treatments with us safe, enjoyable and affordable.
Book in your patch test, we'd be delighted to introduce you to SMART Diode... we think it's the best laser machine in the world!