Can blonde hair be treated with Laser?
Yes, but it will take you more sessions to be hair free than your darker haired buddies! Because laser relies on pigment - the brown pigment melanin which gives skin and hair its distinctive tone, the less melanin present, the less heating we can achieve in the follicle, therefore it is harder to destroy the follicle and get a permanent result. If you’re blonde, we will take a good look at the hair when you come in for a consultation and give you an honest view on whether we think we can successfully treat you. Worth mentioning that because there is less pigment present in blonder hair, we do need to work at higher power levels in order to create the necessary heat, so you might feel a stronger sensation than someone with darker hair. This can also be true if you have different colour hair in different parts of your body. The darker areas can often disappear faster and less painfully than the blonder areas.
We'll always be honest - and in borderline cases, we will often suggest having a go, with an initial test of 3 sessions with detailed before and after photos, so we can assess together how well it’s going and decide if it's a good investment to continue.