The salons have now re-opened, as of 12th APRIL 2021

We are so happy to be back and Online bookings are now open. You can visit us with peace of mind that we have diligently and carefully followed our Covid-Secure Plan. Got any feedback for us? We'd love to hear from you.

Harriet x
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Gold flourish

Please select a gift below.

£10 off a hydrofacial

£10 OFF

a hydrofacial

50% off laser hair removal

50% OFF

any laser hair removal treatment

£10 off 30 minute back massage

£10 OFF

a 30 minute back massage

£5 off any other treatment

£5 OFF

any other treatment

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Terms and conditions: 1 free gift per person. Must be booked within 2 weeks of receiving code. Valid for one use, for one person. No cash alternative, not valid for other treatments.

Why is my Laser not working anymore?

You’ve had a few sessions now, and it feels like it worked really well to start with, but then you start to feel like it’s not working any more. Why is that? Well, not a lot of salons will explain this, but it’s very simple, and the rule of diminishing returns. Let us explain! 

Imagine we were treating an area on the body which had 100 hairs to begin with. Generally, we can expect each laser session to treat 20% of those hairs successfully, so you’d be left with 80 hairs (20% of 100=80) after the first session. Next time we see you, we treat 20% of 80 hairs, which is 16 hairs, so you’re left with 64. The third session we treat 20% of 64 hairs which is 13, so you’re left with 51. So you see, by the end of 3 sessions, half the hair is gone and you’re feeling pretty happy!

Then the maths starts to work against us. The 4th treatment, 20% of 51 hairs is only 10 hairs treated, so you’re down to 41 hairs remaining, then 5th session treats only 8 hairs.... etc etc, so yes, it can feel like the treatment has stopped working. But don’t give up or lose heart! It’s super important to keep going until AT LEAST 6 full sessions have completed. The FDA defines successful laser hair removal as an 80% reduction in the treated area - which is what we aim for after 6 sessions. For many clients that’s an amazing outcome and they are super happy. For others, that’s not hair-free enough and we continue with treatment to get more hairs zapped. The good news is that there is no maximum number of laser treatments you can have, so how many is right for you will depend on what you want to achieve.

Book a beauty appointment now at one of our gorgeous salons

Green 01784 432855

Water 01344 842643

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